Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This was our waiter Marcos.
This was our friend Meemeashia.
This was our assistant waiter Pavol
WOW!!! That is all I can say. I left on a plane to L.A. on Dec. 17th, and then got on a plane to Miami (that took 4 hours), then from Miami I flew to San Juan Puerto Rico. We got there on the 18th, and I left on a cruise around the Caribbean. It was so fun. The first day was at St. Thomas, which is known for its shopping. Also Jared is able to drink alcohol and gamble in the Caribbean because he is 18. Every night we had a 3 course dinner & I gained a little weight. The next day was St. Martin which is the smallest island to share two country's (French and Dutch) we stayed on the Dutch side and I liked this island even more than the last. That night was one of the fancy nights at dinner and we had a lot of fun. The next day was Antigua, where our family split up. Dad and Jared went to a museum and Mom and I went shopping. St. Lucia was awesome, it was pouring rain outside so we took a tour in a taxi where we went up a super steep hill and saw banana plantations and a real live pig, it was so green there! In Grenada we walked around the spice places because Grenada is known for its spices. At the fancy dinner that night I had four sorbets, one was mine, one was Jared's, and two of them Meemeashia brought me. Our last stop was Barbados where we had flying fish burgers. I am happy to be going back home to Fresno because I miss my friends, but I'm also sad because I made friends with the workers on the ship. Like our waiter Marcos he was so nice he taught me how to make a shoe and a mouse out of a cloth napkin he was awesome. He was so kind to me he joked all the time and, of course he gave me a hug at the end of the trip. I wish that I was still able to talk to him because he was such a good spirit! We also had an assistant waiter Pavol, he was also very kind to us and joked around with us and of course he gave me a hug at the end of our trip. And there was also Meemeashia this was her second cruise (working on the ship) and our family made friends with her on the first day, and then we remembered her the next time we saw her, and after that she basically adopted us. At dinner she would come and wait on us, even though we weren't in her section, she is amazing (along with Marcos and Pavol). She wants to be a model, and let me tell you she can do it because she is as skinny as a toothpick. All in all I had a lot of fun and I wish that either I was back on the cruise and had all of you there too, or that Marcos, Pavol, and Meemeashia were here with me.      ~Audra


Friday, December 17, 2010


Lucky Audra! she`s going on a cruise and is on the airplane right now, heading to Miami. I still need to post the pic of me and the horses. I wish I was going on a cruise right now. Grrrrrrr, I`m sooooo tired because I was in the Kindergarten and 1st grade Christmas program. Then I dropped off Audra at the airport, then I went to a Christmas party. Then someone there pushed me into a HUGE puddle and ruined my Uggs. Now I`m watching What Not to Wear. Such a good day!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Oh My gosh I just had one of the busiest days ever! I got up at 7:50 to go to 8:00 Mass. Then I went to the Povereolo house were I wrapped Christmas presents with a youth group/church ministry called Cheerleaders for Christ. Then I went to Barns and Noble at 10:30(no break in between of course)where I sang Christmas carols with my choir where I got a semi solo(there were 3 other people singing with me). After that was done and I bought a book. When I went home I finished my new book of course. Then at 6:00 I went caroling with my best friend and her family. I stayed at there house until about 10:00 pm watching the movie "Letters to Juliet" which I never ended up finishing. And when I got home I told my mom what happened. Then I watched an hour of "Survivor" with my dad and brother. But when that was done I still wasn't tired so I read a little more and went to bed. can you imagine how tired I am to day? VERY!!! I got up at around 10:00 but I could have stayed in bed longer.
~ Audra        

Another Blog!

Hi I just wanted to tell you that I have another blog with my cuz Morgan 
if you ever want to visit it it is about all the fun things we do and the
places we go with our American Girl dolls. The URL/address is:
http://amagadventures.blogspot.com/ it is a lot of fun if you ever want 
to visit.
:)~ Audra

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Today was soooo busy. But it`s not over. Today we had Cheerleaders for Christ then we had Choir. That was really fun. Then at six we`re going caroling in my neighborhood! What a busy day.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


WOW I got to go see SHREK the musical in San Francisco!!! It was awesome we went as a drama field trip and at the end of the play we went and waited at the stage door!! We got their autograph and... I GOT DONKEY TO HUG ME it was so awesome (if you can't tell, Donkey is my favorite character in Shrek I love his character so much I even know his lines). I hugged Fiona to put hugging Donkey was the highlight of my day and I am saying that even though I went shopping in San Fran.